Montague community school program needs volunteers

Could be last year for program if committee members not replaced, chair says

Image | Colette Jobe

Caption: Colette Jobe (right) says it would be a loss for Montague if the community school program is forced to end. (Montague and Area Community School/Facebook)

The community school program in Montague, P.E.I., is in danger of ending if new organizers don't come forward.
All four of the current volunteer committee members will be stepping down at the end of the session in March.
The committee has put out a newsletter telling people this could be the last year if no one is available to help.
Right now, about 80 people take part in eight classes with topics which range from teddy bear making, to dancing, to introductory Buddhism.

Image | Montague

Caption: Right now, about 80 people take part in eight classes with topics which range from teddy bear making, to dancing, to introductory Buddhism. (Montague and Area Community School/Facebook)

Colette Jobe, chair of the community school committee, said if the program ends, it would be a loss to the area.
"It just gives them something to do over the winter, when it's too icy to walk and it's too cold to be outside," she said. "At least you know you have one night a week that you're going to go out and see other people."
Jobe said people will often meet after the class for hot drinks, a snack and a 50/50 draw.
"It's just kind of a little fun gathering where you talk to friends from other classes or your new friends you've met in a class."