We solve some of your tricky beauty problems

Image | Crappy Beauty Problems Fixed


Why is it that you only wake up with dark circles, a puffy face or a giant zit in the middle of your forehead on the days where you have something really important to do?! Like a date, a party, a job interview - we don't know. But we do know how to solve your emergency beauty 911s.
Under-eye circles

Image | Under eye circles


Your eyes are the windows to your soul - so unless you want people to think that your soul is very, very dark, you'll want to do something about those under eye circles.
Dark circles are basically blood vessels showing up under the delicate area around the eye- sometimes they are genetic, but most times they're made worse by lack of sleep, allergies, or too much alcohol and salt.
Solution #1 is frozen tea bags. Dip the bags in hot water for a few minutes then throw them into the freezer for 10 minutes. Squeeze out any excess liquid then rest them on your eyes for about 20 minutes.
You can use any kind of tea, but we recommend green tea because of its antioxidizing properties and because its contains tannin, which lightens the dark circles.
Solution #2 is potato slices. Potato slices contain an enzyme that acts as a skin lightener under the eye.
Or, to make things really easy you can also just buy eye patches from a beauty store - look for something with peptides, which brighten and hydrate. Check out Sephora's Pearl Eye Mask(external link).
Reducing the dark circles is one thing, concealing them is a whole other challenge. The biggest mistake people make is they try to find a concealer the same colour as their skin tone. You always want to brighten dark circles under the eyes by going half a shade to one shade lighter.
If you have really dark blue circles you can try colour correcting them with red lipstick. We swear this works. Dab it under the eye with a shadow brush. Then you're going to apply your concealer on top with a sponge- or your finger, which is actually the highest quality sponge you can buy. The warmth of your hand will help the product sink into your skin. Then set it with a bit of translucent loose powder and bam! You look as fresh as the day you were born!
The puffy face

Image | Face mask


The technical term for this is actually "facial edema" but puffiness is so much cuter. It's most often caused by water retention, which is made worse by salt, alcohol and insufficient sleep.
The best way to combat water retention is actually to drink more water. Now that you've got water on the inside, you're going to splash yourself with water on the outside. Just a gentle splash of VERY VERY cold water will shrink capillaries and stimulate drainage. You can even add some witch hazel to the mix if you want, which has natural anti-inflammatory properties.
If you need more help, try a frozen eye mask.
Our last tip is to get on board with the latest celebrity Instagram trend: the creepy sheet mask. You'll look like Jason Vorhees from Friday the 13th for 15 minutes, then you'll look like a supermodel.
You can find a sheet mask for every face issue you've ever had, this one is specifically meant to depuff and tighten. So you get a taught face and a hilarious Instagram pic.
The monster zit

Image | Monster zit


Our third case study, is the unfortunately timed zit. It's like your mother-in-law, it always chooses to show up and stay at the most inconvenient times in your life.
These ill-timed pimples are usually caused by stress - because you're usually stressed before a big presentation or a first date, your cortisol levels rise and cause your oil glands to work overtime. And then stressing about the acne stresses you out even more causing more acne and the vicious cycle never ends… until NOW.
To start, you want to treat the monster with a spot treatment - something with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide, which shrinks and dries up the acne - I'm using this one by Philosophy which is supposed to be an overnight miracle worker.
Next rule of Acne is- don't pop. DO NOT WAKE THE SLEEPING GIANT! Unless you are a professional, popping your zits can cause scarring or make the infection worse.
What you do want to do is cover it up. First step is to use your regular foundation and if your third eye is still visible, take a dense cream concealer and a firm brush and apply starting from the center and moving outward. Next, take an eyeshadow blender brush and buff it all out, especially the edges. At the end, if it still won't go away, use a tiny, firm brush and just dab the head of the pimple with concealer and then of course, set with translucent powder,
So it looks like you're all bright and taught and smooth and gorgeous which means our work here is done.

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