Bedbug infestation closes offices in Iqaluit's Grinnell Place
Sima Sahar Zerehi | CBC News | Posted: October 13, 2016 9:19 PM | Last Updated: October 13, 2016
This is the 2nd time building 613 has been closed this month to eradicate bedbugs
The Government of Nunavut offices at Iqaluit's Grinnell Place have been closed for the second time this month due to a bedbug infestation.
The Department of Family Services offices at Building 613, were initially closed from Oct. 7 to 11 to eradicate the bedbugs. The building reopened on Tuesday only to be shut down again on the same day when another bedbug was discovered.
The building is also home to housing units operated by Northern Property. It is unclear if those units have been affected by the bugs.
"I know when a lot of people hear about this there's a little bit of a creepy factor," admits Kris Mullaly, a spokesperson for the Department of Community and Government Services.
"I don't think there's a cause for alarm."
Mullaly adds the bedbugs were spotted early by Family Services staff and the procedures for closing and cleaning the site have been diligently followed.
The bedbugs were found in office furniture says Mullaly, who adds that they have all been vacuumed and cleaned.
"People who have been affected have been contacted by Family Services," says Mullaly.
Staff working in the office have been advised on how to clean their personal belongings by their supervisors, he adds.
To date, there are no reports of the infestation spreading to other sites in the city.
The plan is to re-open the offices on Oct. 17, barring any new discoveries of bedbugs.
While the office is closed, the public is asked to use the Family Service dispatch line at 867-979-5650.
CBC contacted Northern Property about the residential units in the building, the company has not yet responded to our request.