Some Island communities still without power

Maritime Electric reporting over 1,000 customers without power, after falling below 700 earlier this evening.

Image | Fallen branches on street P.E.I. Oct. 20 2016

Caption: Fallen branches like this one on North River Road in Charlottetown took down power lines across P.E.I. Monday. (Patricia Bourque/Twitter)

Power outages are increasing in communities across P.E.I. after high winds brought down tree branches on power lines Thanksgiving Monday afternoon. Maritime Electric says as of 10:30 p.m. AT, over 1,000 are customers without power in about 60 P.E.I. communities scattered across the Island. That's up from just under 700 reported earlier in the evening.
The causes are weather-related, and the utility reports 11 crews are working on the problems.
"At the height of today's outage we had approximately 6,400 customers across the Island without power," said Maritime Electric spokesperson Kim Griffin via email.
The latest list of communities Maritime Electric reports have no power can be found here(external link).
Maritime Electric is asking customers experiencing a power outage to report them on its website (external link)or call them at 1-800-670-1012.