Justin Trudeau vs. The Canadarm: Who would win in a fight?

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Justin Trudeau. The Canadarm. Two of Canada's most recognizable icons. Both are highly regarded in their fields. Both are undeniably sexy. The only question is: who would win in a fight? I will be making a point-by-point analysis of their respective strengths and weaknesses and awarding points based on five categories: Age, reach, technique, location, and age.
Trudeau was born in 1971, which makes him 44 years old. The Arm made its space debut in 1981; it's 10 years Trudeau's junior. Age may bring wisdom and experience, but in a fight I'm going to have to go with The Arm simply on the basis of youth. Fighting is a young arm's game. Point for The Arm.
Although Trudeau stands tall at 6'-2" with an impressive wingspan, The Arm has a reach of 50 feet. There is no doubt that The Arm could and would punch Justin Trudeau in the neck before he'd even entered the fight venue. This may sound unsportsmanlike but it's a monstrous orbital cyborg. It doesn't follow the same code as you or I. Point for The Arm. Extra point awarded for sheer ruthlessness.
Trudeau is a trained boxer and has beaten a karate black-belt in the ring. But when it comes down to it, who cares about technique when you're an enormous mechanical punching machine? Trudeau could study every martial art available and still break his hand punching that thing. Point for The Arm.
There's a lot to be said about home-field advantage. If the fight took place in space, The Arm has the edge. Trudeau would be awkward and untested in his new space suit and furthermore, The Arm doesn't need oxygen to live. On the other hand, if they were to fight on earth The Arm would still win. It's made of metal and electricity. That thing is going to win wherever it fights. Point The Arm.
I can't believe we're still discussing this. Trudeau could potentially bench-press 300 lbs if he hit the gym every day and didn't have a country to run. The Arm was originally able to lift up to 733 lbs, but was upgraded to handle up to 7,260 lbs (that's over 40 Trudeaus, FYI). The Arm could pick him up and use its immense animatronic strength and space precision to crush his head like a blueberry. Point The Arm.


The Arm. Hands down. It scored a 6 out of 5. I sincerely hope you didn't go into this article thinking Trudeau was going to beat a NASA sponsored lifting machine from outer space. It's cool that we have a Liberal prime minister who can do the Dougie and smokes pot, but we're talking about a man versus a giant fucking space robot. Grow up.