Police capture man who scaled NYC's Trump Tower using suction cups
The Associated Press | Posted: August 10, 2016 9:40 PM | Last Updated: August 11, 2016
Climber had reached the 21st floor when police grabbed him through an open window
Police say a man who climbed partway up the facade of Trump Tower in New York City had posted a video online saying he did it because he wanted "a private audience" with Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.
In the video, the unidentified 20-year-old Virginia man says he's "an independent researcher" who wants to "discuss an important matter" with Trump.
The climber used large suction cups, a harness and rope stirrups to fasten himself to the side of the 58-storey Manhattan skyscraper.
He had been climbing for more than two hours Wednesday and had reached the 21st floor when police grabbed him.
Officers smashed windows and broke through a ventilation duct in an attempt to block his progress. They also lowered themselves toward him using a window washer's platform.
When he was captured, there were police in two windows and on the window washer's platform on a third side of the building.
Cat-and-mouse game
The climber played a slow-motion cat-and-mouse game with officers, eluding them by methodically working his way across the facade and angled corners of the building.
He was speaking with officers through the holes cut in the side of the building. When would-be rescuers smashed a window above him, he ducked to avoid big shards of glass that fell.
Police deployed large, inflated crash pads at the scene but made no visible attempt to grab him as he passed their positions.
A large crowd gathered near the building.
The tower is headquarters to Donald Trump's Republican presidential campaign and his business empire. Trump also lives there.
A Trump campaign spokeswoman hasn't responded to a request for comment.
Terraces and other parts of the building are open to the public during the day.