Space Hippo

FIVE STARS | Funny, delightful, surprisingly touching shadow puppetry is beautifully executed

Image | Space Hippo at the 2016 Winnipeg Fringe Festival

Caption: (Tatsuro Handa)

NOTE: This show was reviewed at the 2016 Winnipeg Fringe Festival.

Rating: ★★★★★
There's no trip like a Space Hippo trip.
This completely enchanting shadow puppetry show from Seri Yanai and Daniel Wishes is trippy indeed. With Earth dying, scientists launch a hippo into space because reasons. On her journey, she encounters a host of aliens (including audience favourite Lizard Man), bonds with her only friend Food Robot, and is worshipped as a deity.
It's often silly and very weird, but is also funny as hell. Puppeteers Yanai and Wishes have great comic timing, and manipulate more than 200 hand-cut puppets expertly to great cinematic effect.
At the core of all the silliness, though, are Yanai's stunning shadow puppets. Besides being positively giggle-inducing, Space Hippo offers up some truly gorgeous artwork.
And sprinkled with ear-pleasing, winsome tunes from Elliott Loran, Space Hippo has a great soundtrack for her cosmic journey too.
Funny, delightful, surprisingly touching and beautifully executed Fringe fare. Don't let Space Hippo fly by you.

Image | Fringe big pic