Best Picture

THREE STARS | Not the greatest show on earth, but film and Oscar buffs will love it from here to eternity

Image | Best Picture

Caption: (RibbitRePublic Theatre)

Rating: ★★★
Company: RibbitRePublic Theatre, Vancouver
Genre: Play — Comedy
Venue: 13 — Bandwidth Theatre
Purchase Tickets(external link)
It was all quiet on the western front of the Winnipeg Fringe on Friday afternoon as RibbitRePublic(external link) spread their wings wide, welcoming a small house to their new show at Venue 13. They livened things up and laid down terms of endearment by interviewing ordinary people in the audience as if they were celebrities before the play began.
And then for 60 minutes they shone the spotlight, at least briefly, on a cavalcade of best picture Oscar winners — each and every one of them, in fact.
Not the greatest show on earth, but film and Oscar buffs will love it from here to eternity. - Kelly Stifora
This may seem like a titanic feat, and some of the impressions were rocky, but the cast also treated us to the sound of music with a Broadway melody or two and some great jokes about Hollywood history and the sting of seeing your favourite film lose.
Not the greatest show on earth, but movie and Oscar buffs will love it from here to eternity.
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Note: This show replaces The Paladin from the printed program. It's at the same venue and has the same showtimes.

Image | Fringe big pic