BREAKING: Co-worker had weird dream last night

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WINNIPEG, MB—According to multiple sources within the staff at the Greencrest Plaza Starbucks, co-worker Jeanine McFarland had a pretty weird dream last night.
"When she came in today, she couldn't wait to tell me," said barista Beth Isley. "If I remember correctly, she said the dream started in the house she lived in when she was, like 2, but the front door opened into her high school gymnasium. I couldn't really picture it since both places are back in Calgary where she grew up." Isley was fuzzy on further details, admitting she "kind of tuned her out."
Dreams such as this one, which apparently included a large flowering bicycle and a nagging sense that there was an important essay that had to be written, are apparently par for the course for McFarland, who often shares them with her barely interested colleagues while wondering aloud what they might mean.
"Oh for sure," said manager Duane Raleigh, "she'll say she has something 'crazy' to tell me, then she prattles on about some dream where she's flying a plane with her grandmother or playing guitar in front of a stadium full of people. I'm no expert, but it seems like pretty much standard stuff. Certainly not 'crazy.'"
"It would be different if we were in the dreams, or they were like sex dreams or something, but that's never the case," Raleigh opined.
Nevertheless, McFarland is known to have recounted the dream and the "overwhelming sense of peace" she woke up with to as many as four co-workers and at least three Starbucks regulars, all of whom nodded politely while thinking about other things.
At press time McFarland was busy stocking the treat counter and unavailable for comment.