The 7 most degrading yoga poses
David Kerr | CBC Comedy | Posted: June 16, 2014 4:00 AM | Last Updated: June 16, 2014
Yoga is a fantastic way to relax your body, broaden your mind, and totally humiliate yourself all at the same time. In fact, we're not completely sure the whole thing isn't some kind of elaborate Just for Laughs gag. Here are the most embarrassing yoga poses of all; learn them so you might master them, and in so doing, take away their power. Namaste!
1. Any pose done by a man
Sorry dudes but this is what you look like when you go to a yoga class to meet women. The only thing that women find less attractive than a perv is a perv in man-yoga pants.
2. The Immaculate Conception
This vulnerable pose is sometimes called "The Check Up," the "The Stirrup" or even "The Pap Smear" and it's perhaps the most degrading pose of all. Repeat this mantra to overcome its weirdness: "Don't get any funny ideas Lord, just stretching my hammies over here."
3. The yoga ball. Of shame
This one is sometimes called "Rabbit Pose" because they make you roll yourself into the size of small rodent. Turn the tables on your captors by rolling yourself at the instructor. After you knock him over, pop out of your ball pose like the Bakugan you are sister! What's that, you're a pacifist? Then simply roll yourself out the front door and into a cab.
4. Check out my Lululemons
Sometimes you just never realize just how sheer those yoga pants really are until you get to class. By then it's too late.
5. The Impossible Move
Why do they insist on humiliating us with stuff only Jean-Claude Van Damme can do?
6. Analyze This! Armpit
There's something revealing about this pose... not sure what it is.... oh yeah I know, it reveals that you use one of those natural deodorants! It's sometimes called "Reverse Warrior" because it's like being a proud warrior, only the reverse.
7. Noobie Leash or The Ribbon of Shame
When all else fails, the instructor will sometimes offer to "help" a beginner by providing them with a kind of rope. The beginner is then allowed to hang their pride with this rope.