Bathhouse raid angers Calgary gay community

Calgary's gay community is receiving support from across the country after last week's police raid on a gay bathhouse.
The search of Goliath's Sauna resulted in 17 charges related to keeping a common bawdy house.
Gareth Kirby, managing editor of Vancouver gay and lesbian newspaper Xtra West, called the charges antiquated and said they show Calgary police don't recognize gay sex culture.
"We thought the era of police raiding our sexuality was over," he said.
Kirby's newspaper doesn't usually cover news from Calgary, but he flew to the city two days after the raid to interview witnesses.
Calgary gay activist Stephen Lock said the police interest in Goliath's was news to him.
"The police have been aware of what Goliath's is and where it is. There's never been a problem," he said.
"In fact, we've been told on more than one occasion they are not interested in Goliath's," said Lock.
Calgary Police Service spokesman Robert Palmer said they had received complaints about the bathhouse.
"We had received complaints and, upon investigation, discovered there was enough evidence to lay charges," said Palmer.
The search warrant was sought because of allegations that drugs were being sold and live sex shows were being staged. None of the charges related to those allegations.
Police said their investigation is continuing.