Jessica Holman-Price, killed 10 years ago, to be honoured by Westmount

Holman-Price died Dec. 19, 2005 while saving her brother from wheels of snow removal truck

Ten years after she died in an accident that raised questions about the safety of snow removal trucks, Jessica Holman-Price will be honoured by the City of Westmount.
In the winter of 2005, Holman-Price and her brother were waiting to cross the street at the corner of Strathcona Avenue and Sherbrooke Street in Westmount.
As a snow removal truck was approaching, Holman-Price pushed her brother to safety.
She slid under the wheels of the truck and died.
On Friday, the City of Westmount will honour her by installing two new public benches in her name.
"The first bench will be dedicated to the memory and courage of Jessica, and the second bench will honour Peter Luc, who survived the accident," read a news release issued by the City of Westmount.
"The benches will be located in the garden in front of the Westmount Public Library on Sherbrooke Street."
Holman-Price was awarded a posthumous Medal of Bravery for saving her brother's life.
Her brother will be at the ceremony along with her mother, Jeanette Holman-Price, who fought hard since the accident to force changes to make heavy trucks safer.
The ceremony will take place at 3 p.m. near the Westmount Public Library.