Ceremony remembers Acadian deportation from P.E.I.
CBC News | Posted: December 13, 2015 2:37 PM | Last Updated: December 13, 2015
Students will take part in a service at Port-la-Joye Fort Amherst National Historic Site
Homage is being paid to more than 3,000 Acadians who were deported from Prince Edward Island in 1758 at a ceremony at Port-la-Joye Fort Amherst National Historic Site.
The annual Acadian Remembrance Day Ceremony is being held today at 2 p.m.
Students from École-sur-Mer in Summerside will play music to begin the event.
It is being hosted by the Société Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin and Parks Canada.
"It's important to remember...especially for the young people that are going to be there to really know the past but also to look, to look into the future and just be together and and remember what happened, but find a way to grow and look into the future together," said Rachel Lapointe, a member of the Société Saint-Thomas-d'Aquin.
Over half of the Acadians deported from P.E.I. died. This is the eighth year the ceremony is being held to remember what happened.