12 ways you know you're a Calgarian

Have your own? Tweet @CBCCalgary with the hashtag #yycxroads

Image | dayinthelifeyyc

Caption: So you live in Calgary, huh. Here's some ways to tell if you're truly Calgarian. (@riley_fisher/Twitter)

Originally published on Dec. 4, 2015.

Image | Calgary at a Crossroads

(CBC News)

1. Your alcohol consumption is tied to oil prices.

Image | Binge drinking girl alcohol


2. It's -33 C outside, but still barbecue weather.

Image | Winter barbecue

(Steven and Chris/CBC)

3. You brag to your snotty eastern friends about having a Muslim mayor.

Image | Mayor Naheed Nenshi

(Jack Cusano/Reuters)

4. You can pronounce Calgary correctly (say it with me, CAL-gree).

Image | meme

5. The first thing you show visitors to our city ... is Banff.

Image | Shannon McNeil


6. You pay more to park your car than to fill it.

Image | Calgary parking, Park Plus and impark

Caption: (CBC)

7. You know a drop of rain or a single snowflake on a Friday means taxis magically evaporate.

Image | Calgary taxi night


8. You can quote the latest bid on West Texas Intermediate off the top of your head.

Image | Oil Prices Cda

(Larry MacDougal/Canadian Press)

9. Even the word Deerfoot can push your diastolic past 89.

Image | Snowy Deerfoot Trail near Memorial Drive

(Monty Kruger/CBC)

10. You start planning your Mexican all-inclusive February vacation in August.

Image | Travel Trend All Inclusive

(Associated Press)

11. When you've put on both a toque and sunscreen within 24 hours.


(Larry MacDougal/Canadian Press)

12. You've debated a trip to the STD clinic after at least one Stampede.

Image | Stampede Business 20120707

(Jeff McIntosh/Canadian Press)

CBC Calgary's special focus on life in our city during the downturn. A look at Calgary's culture, identity and what it means to be Calgarian. It's called Calgary at a Crossroads.