Cornwall plans to bring back Citizens on Patrol program

Deputy mayor says it will provide a safer environment for residents and businesses

Image | Cornwall deputy mayor Gary Ramsay

Caption: Cornwall Deputy Mayor Gary Ramsay hopes the program will begin soon. (Angela Walker CBC)

Efforts are underway to restart a Citizens on Patrol program in Cornwall.
That's where volunteers drive around in pairs weekend nights, looking for crime or potential trouble. If they see anything, they call the RCMP.
The town used to have a Citizens on Patrol program, but it stopped last spring when several volunteers left.
Deputy Mayor Gary Ramsay said it's important to get it up and running again.
"We feel it's a valuable resource to the town," said Ramsay. "They help the town council and the RCMP by providing a safer environment to residents and businesses. We are looking for anywhere from 12 to 16 people.
Ramsay said the time commitment is a couple of hours a month. Volunteers must be over the age of 19.
Town officials hope to get the program started again in the next couple of weeks.
Anyone interested can call the town hall.