Codiac RCMP detachment stable, well equipped, says official

RCMP Supt. Paul Beauchesne says number of transfers is not unexpected

Image | Superintendent of the Codiac RCMP Paul Beauchesne

Caption: Superintendent of the Codiac RCMP Paul Beauchesne (RCMP website)

Codiac RCMP Supt. Paul Beauchesne spoke out Wednesday night to deny reports that officers in his detachment are leaving in droves and it is taking a long time for carbines and the carbine racks to be available to members.
Beauchesne said in a statement to the Codiac Regional Police authority that 20 members have requested to be transferred out of the detachment because of what happened on June 4, 2014, when Justin Bourque shot and killed RCMP constables Douglas Larche, Dave Ross and Fabrice Gevaudan in Moncton.
"Given the scope of the tragedy, that is not unreasonable or even unexpected. Some of those requests have already been accommodated while others are being worked on," a statement from Beauchesne said.
He said media reports of higher numbers are not true.
"There are others seeking transfers but for other reasons, such as career opportunities or promotions as per normal practice," he said.
"Codiac is a desirable detachment and we get calls every week from members wanting to come here to live and work in our community."
He said carbine racks have arrived at the Codiac detachment and are being installed in police cars.
"A number are being installed now and by the end of this week a majority of our cars will have carbine racks. As the racks arrive they are being installed with the priority being our marked patrol cars," Beauchesne said.
"Training of our members on the carbines is ongoing and the members identified for the next round of training courses know exactly when they are scheduled to attend."
He refused to say how many carbines have arrived at the detachment so far.
"It's information that could jeopardize safety. Over the past year we have received a sufficient number of carbines at Codiac to allow us to properly respond to high risk calls for service."