Celebrating the lives of crash victims Lacy Morin-Desjarlais and Michele Sereda

A number of events will be held over the next week in Regina for the two women

Image | Lacy Morin-Desjarlais and Michele Sereda

Caption: Among the five people killed in a highway crash north of Regina Tuesday was Lacy Morin-Dejarlais (left) and Michele Sereda. (Facebook)

A number of events have been set up over the next week to remember those who died in the Tuesday crash on Highway 6. It is a chance to honour their lives, and to say goodbye.

Image | Mourning for Lacy Morin-Desjarlais

Caption: There was a celebration held on Feb. 13 for dancer Lacy Morin-Desjarlais (CBC)

Image | Lacy Morin-Desjarlais celebration

Caption: The life of Lacy Morin-Desjarlais was celebrated at Regina's Eastview Community Centre. (CBC)

There was a celebration held today for dancer Lacy Morin-Desjarlais at Regina's Eastview Community Centre.
There will be a wake at the Lestock Town Hall this evening, followed by a funeral tomorrow morning.
Next Sunday, people will gather at the Mackenzie Art Gallery to celebrate the life of Michele Sereda, the theatre director who died in the same crash.
In total, five people lost their lives in the three-vehicle collision.
Book of Condolences
A Regina gift shop owner has put out a book of condolences to remember the two Regina artists.
"We know that we have a public space and so we just decided to put out a book of condolences as a way to give the community a way to grieve," Brad Kreutzer said, adding that anyone can sign the book. "I think just a place for people to tell their story about the person that they know and about the person that they lost."
Kreutzer was not sure what he will do with the book after it's filled. He said he might offer it to the families of the two women.