Stephen Reid, convict and writer, released from prison
CBC Radio | Posted: February 19, 2014 5:00 AM | Last Updated: February 19, 2014
Stephen Reid is free. Again.
The former member of the legendary Stopwatch Gang has spent most of his adult life in prison. And for most of that time he has also been a writer -- a calling he discovered with the help of writer Susan Musgrave, whom he married while in prison in 1984.
His latest 15-year stint in prison was the result of a dramatic fall from grace in 1999. He attempted to rob a bank while high on heroin and cocaine, and led police on a high-speed chase through Victoria, B.C. It put lives at risk and, at that time, ended his much-celebrated rehabilitation.
Earlier this month, Stephen Reid became a free man again. His latest book of prison writings, A Crowbar In The Buddhist Garden, is the winner of the 2013 City of Victoria Butler Book Prize. He spoke to Carol from Victoria.
Following his interview with Carol, Stephen Reid reads from "Without My Daughter", an essay included in the collection.