Patrice Vincent, Nathan Cirillo honoured at Iraq mission bases

Naming of bases honours those who died 'in the service of their country on home soil'

Canadian troops deployed as part of the coalition combat mission in Iraq against ISIS have named two operating bases after Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent and Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, the two soldiers who were fatally attacked on Canadian soil last month.
“The tragic deaths of Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent and Cpl. Nathan Cirillo have saddened all those who wear the uniform," said Lt-Gen. J.H. Vance, commander of the Canadian Joint Operations Command. "The naming of Patrol Base Cirillo and Camp Vincent will allow personnel deployed to those areas — as well as allies who visit the installations — to mark the passing of two proud Canadians, and all those who died in the service of their country on home soil.”
Vincent was killed when Martin​ Couture-Rouleau drove his car into Vincent and another Canadian soldier in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Que. Two days later, Michael Zehaf-Bibeau, armed with a Winchester .30-30 rifle, fatally shot Cirillo as he guarded the National War Memorial in Ottawa.
The Defence Deparment said that the dedication of Camp Vincent in Kuwait and Patrol Base Cirillo in Iraq was initiated by members of the Canadian Forces to pay tribute to those two soldiers, as well as all those who died in service on home soil.