Laptop stolen from Lethbridge clinic had patient information, AHS says

Alberta Health Services notifying about 5,000 sleep clinic patients of privacy breach

Alberta Health Services is notifying about 5,000 patients after a laptop containing their personal information was stolen from a Lethbridge sleep clinic.
AHS says it did not own the laptop and it was not connected to any of its networks.
But it did contain a database with the names and addresses of patients, dates of services and types of equipment used by the clinic, officials said.
The laptop did not contain any health records or health card numbers.
The theft was reported to Lethbridge police.
“There is no indication that the information was targeted for fraudulent purposes, and we believe the risk of identity theft is low,” said AHS south zone chief officer Sean Chilton in a written statement.
“It’s unfortunate this theft of clinic property occurred and we sincerely apologize to any patient impacted by this breach of our information safeguards.”
The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner has been notified, AHS said.