Calgary getting more taxi cabs by December

City council has approved a plan to get more taxis on Calgary's streets.
Officials are adding 383 new plates, which will go to taxi drivers. The plates will be owned by the city so brokers can't acquire them.
The new cabs must also be on the streets at peak times, such as weekend evenings, as well as in December and during the Calgary Stampede.
City council voted to immediately put out one-third of the new taxis — or 126 cabs — so they'll be on the streets by December. The balance of the new plates will be issued next year.
Council has also approved an 8.1 per cent hike in taxi rates that will take effect immediately. That means the cost of a kilometre-long taxi trip has increased from $4.85 to $5.27, while a 10-kilometre trip has increased from $18.80 to $20.27.