Young Rival partners with local artists for new music video

The band responsible for 'Two Reasons' is back with 'Better Things to Do'

Young Rival is at it again. The Hamilton rock and roll band behind the YouTube sensation Two Reasons is back with a new video called Better Things to Do.
YouTube is full of lyric videos, but few of them look as good as this. The band enlisted 16 local artists who draw, paint and project the lyrics to the song — all of which is captured via time-lapse photography.
The video was filmed over eight days in August at the Factory Media Centre on James Street North in downtown Hamilton. Over 22,000 photos were taken to pull off the time-lapse, before being edited together by bassist John Smith, who also directed the video.
"I was completely amazed. Beyond blown away," Smith told CBC Hamilton. It took two marathon days of editing for Smith to stitch the whole thing together.
He says the group learned some quick lessons from their previous video, Two Reasons, which has pulled in close to 789,000 hits on YouTube so far.
"It's something that really interests people for whatever reason," he said. "It doesn't make sense anymore to just have bright lights and a band playing a song. That doesn't speak to an internet audience."
"To get people fired up online, you really need something that stands out."
The band is in the midst of writing and demoing material for their third full-length album, the follow up to Stay Young, which was released last year. Smith says they hope the new album will drop in 2014.
Only one show is currently in the works — their annual Boxing Day spectacular in Hamilton. More shows will be announced soon.