Brandon’s Victoria Avenue deemed Manitoba’s worst road

CAA Manitoba has released the results of their worst roads campaign.

CAA Manitoba has released the results of their worst roads campaign.
Victoria Avenue in Brandon took top prize with nearly double the votes of the second worst road in the province – St. James Street in Winnipeg.
The province’s third-worst road was 1st Street in Winkler. Rounding out the top five were Berry Street and Ness Avenue in Winnipeg.
Just over 5,000 votes were cast in the four-week campaign.
The City of Winnipeg has already committed to fixing St. James Street but repairs have not yet begun.
In addition, the Province of Manitoba made major commitments to improving infrastructure in the province in the recently released 2013 budget.
The budget called for an increase in PST to fund infrastructure improvements, including road repairs.
Rank Road City/Town
1 Victoria Avenue Brandon
2 St. James Street Winnipeg
3 1st Street Winkler
4 Berry Street Winnipeg
5 Ness Avenue Winnipeg
6 Manitoba 10 Boissevain
7 King Edward Street Winnipeg
8 Inkster Boulevard Winnipeg
9 Pembina Highway Winnipeg
10 Fraser's Grove Winnipeg