Charlottetown's low-flow toilet bid flush with success

Charlottetown's low-flow toilet rebate program is being extended for another year and will be offered to more people.
Close to 400 people used the city's rebate program last year, compared to 200 the year before.
For the first time, people living in apartments will also qualify.
The City of Charlottetown said it will offer up to $75 in rebates to replace old toilets with a new low-flow model.
The rebate would cover either $60 for a six-litre toilet, or $75 for a four-litre toilet.
"It's been continuing on with people requesting it, so we decided to carry it forth this year," said Eddie Rice, who chairs the water and sewer utility for the city.
"The figures are in, and yes it is quite an impact. We're hoping with metering and everything we're going to be able to save up to 10 percent of the total consumption and that represents a lot of water over a year."
On average the low-flow toilets use about a third of the water that regular toilets use.
The city is also offering a $10 rebate for low-flow showerheads.