Review finds Calgary pathologist's findings 'unreasonable'
CBC News | Posted: November 30, 2012 3:56 AM | Last Updated: November 30, 2012
Some of the deaths were murders
Alberta Justice has found serious problems with the work of a former Calgary pathologist.
An independent review by the government agency concluded that in more than a dozen cases, Dr. Evan Matshes came to unreasonable conclusions.
Matshes worked in the office of the medical examiner for about a year, during which multiple questions were raised about the conclusions of his autopsies and death investigations.
Alberta Justice’s independent review has found problems with his findings, including 'cause of death' in thirteen cases — some of them murders.
Matshes says this all came as a surprise to him.
The doctor says Alberta Justice’s findings are in sharp contrast, with the conclusions of the province's College of Physicians and Surgeons.
He says he only learned about the review's findings moments before they were made public.
Reached by phone in New Mexico, where he now works for the medical investigator, Matshes says his work — at what he says is the largest forensic pathology training centre in the U.S. — is reviewed and no problems have been found.
Matshes says the college of physicians here reviewed the complaints against him and dismissed them.
The justice review conclusions mean all murder cases in which Matshes' work was relied upon will be reviewed.