School in Olds dedicates playground to fallen Soldier

New playground named after Cpl. Nathan Hornburg

After three years of fundraising and planning, the Holy Trinity Catholic School in Olds, Alta., finally has its own playground.
Jen Forscutt helped secure the funding for the $90,000 playground.
"I applied for every grant under the sun and everyone who would listen to me.… I asked for money and then one of my grants came through and it was with Let Them Be Kids," Forscutt explained.
Let Them Be Kids is a non-profit organization that helps fund playgrounds, and the only criteria to qualify for funding is that the park is dedicated to a fallen soldier.
In this case, it was Cpl. Nathan Hornburg.
He was a reservist with the Kings Own Calgary Regiment, which has ties to Olds dating back to the Second World War.
"He was a young kid, who was going to Afghanistan to fight for what he believed in," Forscutt said.
Hornburg’s mother, Linda Loree, attended the opening of the playground Saturday — five years after she lost her son.
"What he stands for is what they're celebrating here and hoping to pass on to the kids and he stood for some good things all through his life," Loree said. "He believed in fair play — he loved to play."