Your horoscope for the week ahead: Flirt, fantasize and focus on self-love
Then, look inward as a new astrological season begins

A busy astrological week lies ahead to make up for last week's lull in cosmic activity.
We'll experience a notable collective shift starting Monday evening, or early Tuesday depending on your time zone, when passionate Mars makes his way into independent Aquarius. As the warrior planet moves through this fixed air sign, he blesses us with an extra dose of bravery, encouraging us to take more risks. Don't hesitate to experiment and take the road less traveled over the next five weeks of this transit.
Then, Cupid's arrow could strike us a day early, as alluring Venus sextiles dreamy Neptune on Tuesday. This lovey-dovey aspect calls us to fantasize and manifest more romance in our lives. But it's also a beautiful moment to focus on self-love, so go ahead and indulge your senses, and make an extra effort to elevate your look to improve your confidence and mood.
Later on Tuesday or early Wednesday, bold Mars and transformative Pluto will form a conjunction in unconventional Aquarius. If you're single, this powerful aspect could inspire you to pursue a new relationship with passion and enthusiasm, but be warned that you may lose interest in people who seem conservative or timid. Coupled up? This energy could help heat things up with your partner — as long as you're willing to relinquish a little control.
If Valentine's Day tends to be a bit intense for you, you'll be happy to hear that we'll be feeling lighter than air beginning on Friday, when sensual Venus enters forward-thinking Aquarius. Singles in particular will enjoy exploring their options — without feeling tied down — during this transit. So if you're unattached, enjoy making connections with a variety of people over the next three weeks and using your social circle to expand your dating pool.
On Saturday, we could feel inspired to speak up when charismatic Venus meets with powerful Pluto in assertive Aquarius. This conjunction encourages us to stop playing games in our relationships, let our walls come down and show our cards. If this feels intimidating, just remember: What is truly meant for you will not pass you by.
Then, as the ego-ruling sun illuminates intuitive Pisces late on Sunday, we could find our focus turning inward. During this transit, we're invited to rest, recuperate and ruminate upon our innermost thoughts and dreams. Just try not to get stuck in the past; the final four weeks of the astrological year offer us a beautiful opportunity to reflect upon what we've learned and how we can move forward with kindness, wisdom and grace.
Here's your horoscope for the week of Monday, February 12, 2024.
Your connections can take you far, Aries. Keep this in mind over the coming weeks, particularly when working toward your goals in group settings. You may feel tempted to take over, but you'll be wise to give your friends a chance to show off their skills. Meanwhile, you may find yourself gifted with otherworldly charisma that will help you strengthen your bonds. If you're single, you could even strike up a love connection through your social circle or with someone you've known for a long while. Attached Aries, on the other hand, may discover new charms their partner possesses, helping them paint a new mental picture of their relationship.
Put your heart into your art, Taurus. Starting now and continuing over the next few weeks, you could find your thirst for success pervading every pore of your being, screaming out for you to manifest your ambitions. Use this passion to fuel your creative and personal projects, or to launch that exciting new career or business you've been mulling over. Near the end of the week, you'll also want to be mindful of your words and communications, as your overconfidence could steer you in the wrong direction. Keep an eye on how you talk about your finances in particular, and reach out to your support system if things get a little hairy.
Looking to level up your day-to-day routine, Gemini? At the start of the week, intriguing new wellness practices or activities may catch your attention, but you need to do your due diligence before you commit to anything. Carve out a spot in your schedule to figure out what will really work for you. Meanwhile, you could begin to feel your professional ambitions coming into focus again. Beginning now and continuing over the next four weeks, you may even find yourself thinking about refining your online image or reimagining your personal brand. This is an ideal time to show the world who you are and what you're truly passionate about.
Take a good look at yourself, Cancer. Over the next few weeks, evaluating your weaknesses can help you flesh out your career strategy and identify any blind spots you may have. After you've done so, you may want to reach out for support from a mentor or someone in your professional network. Remember: Making adjustments to your goals can help keep you sharp — don't be afraid to evolve. When it comes to your relationships, you could feel more sentimental and tenderhearted this week. Challenge yourself to embrace this vulnerability; it can help you enrich both your romantic and familial connections.
You may be the star of the show, but do you need help behind the scenes, Leo? Over the next few weeks, you may realize that your professional efforts can only go so far when you work alone. Consider pairing up with someone who complements your talents to level up your career. Meanwhile, if you're single, you may feel the urge to mix business with pleasure. But before you get involved with someone at work, understand that this will transform your relationships and how you're perceived. Pisces season begins this weekend, helping us review our values and connections to others. Now is your chance to reflect on how you'd like to show up in the world.
Prepare for a burst of energy, Virgo. Over the next few weeks, you could find you're able to see the impact of your efforts more clearly, filling you with a renewed passion for your work. Your analytical powers may also receive a boost, especially concerning your finances; use them to hash out money matters with friends and family. When it comes to love, coupled Virgos may be challenged to release a little control to strike a better balance in their relationships. Meanwhile, single Virgos are encouraged to spend time identifying the qualities they seek in a romantic partner — and celebrating the strengths they bring to the table.
Are you ready to turn heads, Libra? No one will be safe from your flirtatious powers in the coming weeks as you make hearts skip a beat with a flash of your sweet smile. If you're single, take advantage of this attention to find your perfect match — and don't hesitate to let yourself be pursued. In a relationship? Use your extra charm and grace to ignite new passions with your partner and keep things fresh. Toward the end of the week, you may also feel encouraged to get serious about your day-to-day routines and organization. Avoid biting off more than you can chew so you don't get discouraged.
How do you protect yourself, Scorpio? This week, you could feel compelled to start securing your foundations, taking precautions or establishing certain measures to safeguard your privacy, loved ones and home. Just do your best to avoid going overboard, as this energy could make others feel anxious — and cause you to make a mountain out of a molehill. Near the end of the week, you may feel inspired to refocus your attention on your creative projects or hobbies. Be sure to carve out some time in your schedule to attend to them so you can quell your nerves.
Conversations can unlock doors, Sagittarius. So if you find yourself curious to chat with anyone who crosses your path over the coming weeks, seize the opportunity to learn more about the world around you. Chance meetings with strangers, neighbours and friends could even inspire you to change your routines and start exciting new personal journeys. Nearing the end of the weekend, you may feel excited to hunker down at home and review your ever-growing to-do list. This is a beautiful time to be ambitious about your goals for your space and figure out how to elevate the atmosphere.
Take stock, Capricorn. This week, you could feel ready to straighten up and recommit to your financial goals. Going through your belongings may be a good place to start; challenge yourself to pinpoint what you no longer need and what essentials are truly worth saving up for. Meanwhile, progress at work could inspire you to demand your worth. Make sure to do your research before you announce your intentions so your proposal is well-received. Then, on the weekend, you may find yourself spending more time with your neighbours. If this draws your problem-solving eye to local issues you can help fix, just try to avoid spreading yourself too thin.
Your home is a reflection of who you are, Aquarius. And over the next few weeks, you could feel motivated to get a head start on spring cleaning, clearing out the dust so your space can sparkle. As you do, consider researching DIY projects and budget-friendly design ideas. You may feel inclined to host more get-togethers during these final weeks of winter, so it's the ideal moment to show off your flair for interior decorating. Spending some extra time in your home could also draw attention to your need for comfort. As Pisces season kicks off on Sunday, give some thought to what, and who, makes you feel safe and secure.
Are you on a healing journey when it comes to your finances, Pisces? If so, try not to punish yourself this week for the hard lessons you've had to learn in the past. You have the power to welcome new wealth into your life as long as you're willing to change. Now is the time to use your newfound wisdom to start making better choices. At the end of the weekend, your special astrological season begins, and you could find yourself walking a little taller and speaking louder. Harness this empowering energy to celebrate your unique talents and supernatural sensitivity — and don't hesitate to soak up the spotlight.