Drama in the hayfield during the toughest challenge yet in Hinton, Alberta
Canada’s Ultimate Challenge players battle to push a 500-kilogram hay bale over the finish line.

It was wet. It was messy. It was a wet mess. But tough situations are the ultimate test for teamwork at Horseback Adventure Ranch in Hinton, Alberta, where players faced their most difficult challenge yet.
Teams had to push giant bales of hay, each weighing over 500 kilograms, through an uneven course. The team that got the hay bale to the finish line AND then climbed over a giant haystack to hit the red buzzer first picked up the most points. To pick up extra time, teams had the option of pushing their bales through gates located along the course.

This challenge was a test of each team's raw power and communication skills.
"Y'all gonna have to dig deeper than you probably ever, ever even imagined you can go. We all know our back is against the wall here," said coach Luke Willson, whose team was in last place, "by the end of this thing, you should be blurred vision. Like borderline blackout, coughing up a lung."
Right off the bat, it's a neck-and-neck competition between Team Black and Team Orange (led by Gilmore Junio). But other teams show signs of struggle as they attempt to move their hay course around the field.
Watch a recap of the drama.
Communication problems on Team Red
"I wanted Chris and Franz, the two strongest players, on each side of the bale," said coach Donovan who outlined his strategy with his team before the challenge began. But as they attempt to turn their hay bale back onto the course, Franz moves to the other side to help which slows down their momentum.
When they finally stagger over the finish line in third place, tensions are high.
"I don't want any internal strife — I do not want any negative energy," shouts Coach Donovan as he attempts to pull his team together, "you guys can agree that we could have done something better out there."
Dramatic collapse on the field
And out on the field, there is more drama as Team Yellow and Team Blue battle not to finish last. One of the players is done: Zalie collapses.
"Seeing Zalie push herself like this is terrifying," says coach Clara. She's ok, but Team Blue fails to complete their second team challenge after Mitchell was unable to climb the wall in episode one.
'Mean coach' strategy works for Team Black
Team Orange is the first to get over the hay bale and push the red button, but Team Black is not far behind — and with a 20-second time advantage because they went through all three gates on the field.
Team Orange, already in first place, takes another win, but only by four seconds.
Still, Coach Black is pleased with how his team worked together to make a dramatic comeback when the stakes were so high.

"Today I brought NFL version of coaching out. A little more in your face, little more aggressive and my team responded to that. So, NFL mean guy in your face coach might have to stay."
Watch Canada's Ultimate Challenge on CBC Gem.