The Harry Potter generation can't let go of 'The Boy Who Lived'

How could a book shape so many people?
To find out, producer Shannon Higgins invited Harry Potter fans to attend a special event, an Honourary Hogwarts Cup.

The tournament begins with the delivery of a Hogwarts letter.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizadry letter
Seven people agreed to compete in the tournament. Each was carefully selected because they feel a deep connection to a particular character from the books.
Where do we start? With Harry Potter himself.

Evan Hoyle's love for Harry Potter is clear if you visit his childhood bedroom. Here's just a peek of his collection.
After meeting Harry, it's time for the next set of instructions.
In the books, in order to save the world, Harry and his friends must find and destroy evil objects. Today, our champions must do the same.

Dear Champions,

All the horcrux have been found. And not a moment too soon.
The next owl just arrived.

Back in the dungeons... the most clever witch to ever attend Hogwarts takes on a riddle.

The champions must decipher fan-made riddles. Can you solve the riddles? (Discover the answers by listening to the documentary!)

And with that the Honourary Hogwarts Cup comes to an end. All that's left is to toast J.K. Rowling.

Are you part of the Harry Potter generation? Did the books change your life too?
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The documentary All was well: The lasting magic of Harry Potter was produced by The Current's Shannon Higgins and the documentary editor was Steve Wadhams.