Why don't we check for stolen passports BEFORE people get on planes?
Like Mark Twain, reports of Luigi Maraldi's death were greatly exaggerated. Maraldi wasn't on Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. But his old passport was. He'd reported it stolen two years ago. Authorities say there's no reason to believe either of the two passengers carrying stolen passports on that flight had anything to do with the jet's disappearance.
Interpol maintains a list of lost and stolen passports but very few countries bother checking it. According to Interpol, it's quite common for someone to board a plane without having their passport checked against its list; Interpol says it can't understand why every government doesn't check the database EVERY time someone boards a plane.
But according to Michel Juneau-Katsuya, there are a few reasons. He's the former Chief of Asia Pacific for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and the President and CEO of The Northgate Group, an intelligence company. Michel Juneau-Katsuya was in Ottawa.