The Sunday Magazine

July 23, 2017: The Sunday Edition

Scientists know how to prevent catastrophic loss from forest fires. So why don't we follow their advice? Why Russian interference in the up-coming German election matters, and what can be done about it. David Gutnick's documentary about "le bonhomme a lunettes", the Montreal optician who says glasses cost too much. Michael Eric Dyson, on the legacy of America's first black president, and his country's gaping racial divide.

Preventing forest fire damage; Russian interference in Germany's election; Cheap glasses; Dyson on race

(CP - Darryl Dyck/Getty Images/Le Bonhomme à lunettes/Getty Images)

Scientists know how to prevent catastrophic loss from forest fires. So why don't we follow their advice?  Why Russian interference in the up-coming German election matters, and what can be done about it. David Gutnick's documentary about "le bonhomme a lunettes", the Montreal optician who says glasses cost too much. Michael Eric Dyson, on the legacy of America's first black president, and his country's gaping racial divide.