Spark 423
Facebook petitions, WhatsApp and the spread of misinformation, designing the modern airport, and the lives of digisexuals.
'Digisexuals' and the rise of human-android romance
A look at how more and more people are identifying as "digisexuals," a new term describing those whose primary sexual identity comes through the use of technology.
Designing better airport terminals
Whether bright and modernist, or dark and brutalist, one problem all airport designers consider is the distance people have to go between the check-in counter and departure gate.
Facebook wants more political action on their platform
A new feature, called Community Actions, lets users start, sign, and comment on petitions that are tagged with local government officials. With a spotty record on controlling political content, will Facebook manage to protect this feature from abuse?
WhatsApp spreads information and disinformation in India
New limits on forwarding messages in WhatsApp is an attempt by the messaging app to control the sometimes dangerous spread of misinformation on the service.