Birds Colour Match Their Nests

Zebra finches select nest materials to camouflage their nests.The nests of many birds blend in with their background, which provides protection from predators. Scientists have wondered if birds intentionally camouflage their nests, or if it is simply a matter of the available building materials - twigs, grass and leaves - matching the location of the nest. In a recent study, Dr. Ida Bailey, from the School of Biology at The University of St. Andrews in Scotland, found that zebra finches colour match when constructing their nests. In the experiment, paper of one colour was used to line the sides of their cages. When given a choice of different coloured shreds of paper to build their nest, the finches chose the shreds that matched the colour of cage, proving an intentional use of camouflage.
Related Links
- Paper in The Auk: Ornithological Advances
- St. Andrews University release
- New Scientist story
- ScienceNews story