French Kissing Exchanges Passion and Bacteria
80 million bacteria come along for the ride when you swap spit.

Its just like science to take all the fun out of a romantic kiss. A new study by Dr. Remco Kort, a microbiologist with The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research in Amsterdam, found that French kissing, or intimate kissing, involves the exchange of a lot more than love and passion. Saliva and tongue swabs, taken before and after kissing, were take from 21 couples who each kissed for ten seconds. On average, 80 million bacteria were exchanged. The transfer of bacteria in this way can be a good thing because an increase in the exposure to bacteria increases our resistance to infection. So, French kissing - provided each participant is healthy - is good for you.
Related Links
Related Links
- Paper in Microbiome
- TNO release
- Micropia Museum release
- BBC News article