Quirks and Quarks·Quirks & Quarks

Quirks & Quarks for Nov. 21 2015

Neonic Pesticides and Pollination, Denisovan Teeth and DNA, Spooky Action, Adélie Penguins Enjoy the Warmth, Fish Invisibility Cloak, and Spooky Action at a Distance

Pesticides and Pollinators, Spooky Action and more

Bumblebees are important pollinators of apples. A new study found that bumblebee colonies exposed to a neonicotinoid pesticides visited apple flowers less frequently and collected less pollen, ultimately leading to apples with fewer seeds. (Victoria Wickens/University of Reading)
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Theme music bed copyright Raphaël Gluckstein, Creative Commons License by-nc-nd-2.0