Hear this band of kids cover Shawn Mendes and win their category in this year's Canadian Music Class Challenge

Every year, CBC Music launches the Canadian Music Class Challenge, a competition where students cover a great Canadian song, record that performance, and send it in for a chance to win some amazing prizes, including thousands of dollars in musical instruments for their school.
One of this year's winning classes comes from Grimsby, Ont., home of Strive Studios Music School. The school's unique band program brings together students from the area who can come together and form a real musical group. For Broken Hearts is one of those bands. It has six members, an average age of about 10, and the distinction of being named this year's Top Community Music Class.
Music teacher Brent Wirth joined us to talk about his winning group of students. Watch their stunning cover of In My Blood by Shawn Mendes below.
Click 'Listen' near the top of this page to hear Strive Studios Music School music teacher Brent Wirth.
— Produced by Emma Godmere
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