Far from a 6-second wonder, Ruth B. targets long-term success

Edmonton Alberta's Ruth Berhe, also known as Ruth B, became famous for sharing her music in small snippets on social media. In particular Vine, the now defunct social media platform where users would upload six-second videos.
When she wasn't uploading videos, Ruth B. was living a normal life in Edmonton going to high school, working in retail and doing her homework. And then she blew up. Her six-second clip of a song called "Lost Boy" got 84,000 likes in its first week.
Ruth B kept adding to that song, in 6 second increments, until eventually she released it as a full length single. That single went on to become a Top 40 hit, and, as they say, a star was born.
However, Ruth B doesn't want to be pigeonholed as a Vine star and her new album, Safe Haven, is proof that there's no need to see her that way.
Ruth B. came in to the q studio to perform a few tracks and chat about her album.
She also shares what macaroni and cheese has in common with her album title, why Edmonton will always be home, and why pranking Uber drivers is her favourite past time.
— Produced by Cora Nijhawan