M. H. Murray doesn't gloss over the gritty details of being a teenager in his web series

Mathew Murray, the creator of the web series Teenagers, is telling gritty and authentic stories about teens because he believes we gloss over youth and under represent the realities of young people living on the margins of mainstream society.
Murray has been making YouTube videos since he was about fifteen, but he began working on Teenagers by the time he was in university. Murray saw the web series as a way he could "exist creatively," and he explains that he wanted to add a new perspective to the classic coming of age story, "I felt like I could add to it with my own voice in my own way."
A lot of shows on TV didn't feel authentic to Murray when he was growing up. "It didn't feel like my experience," he says. Murray notes that you don't normally see authentic moments on bigger budget shows. "It can be a bit more than entertaining," he adds.
With a web series, Murray says he has the "freedom to explore the characters." "There's this breathing room on the web," he admits. Teenagers just released its season 3 premier and Murray has started an Indiegogo page to raise funds in hopes of making more episodes.
WEB EXTRA | Watch the Season 3 Prologue of Teenagers below.
*Editors note: this video contains mature themes that may not be suitable for all audiences.