7 heartfelt voice memos to The Tragically Hip
Rick Mercer, Clara Hughes, Serena Ryder and more send out loving words to Gord Downie and The Tragically Hip.

If you're not following us on social media, you're missing all the little pockets of love we've been posting for The Tragically Hip. In the lead up to our Tragically Hip special, we called up several well-known Canadians and asked them to tell us what the band means to them.
We've turned highlights from those conversations into the lively voice memos below.
Check out all seven — narrated by comedian Rick Mercer, Olympic champion Clara Hughes, actor Will Arnett, singer/songwriter Serena Ryder, celebrated author Joseph Boyden, comedian Mike Myers and Nickleback frontman Chad Kroeger — as originally posted on our Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages.
Please feel free to spread the love.