'I really need a solid Burnsy pep talk': Reconnecting with the teacher who changed my life

I'm at a crossroads in my life right now, and there's only one person who can help me through it: Mr. Burns.
Mr. Burns was my high school vice principal. He was tough. He hardly ever smiled, and used to patrol the hallways with a walkie-talkie and stare down any kid using a cellphone. To be honest, I was scared of him at first.
But then I joined the AV club, and we got to know each other a little better. 'Burnsy' and I were an odd pair at first. He'd make fun of me for not liking science, I made fun of him for never smiling. He had a tough love mentality that drove me crazy, but in retrospect, it helped me understand my full potential.
I used to call him my school dad.
There was a point in my junior year where I was lost. I was being pushed towards the sciences by my parents but I didn't want that. I wanted to write. I wanted to tell stories. So I told Burns this and he told me exactly what to do. And his advice worked.
Fast forward nine years, and I find myself facing the same kind of dilemma.
So with the help of Now or Never, I picked up the phone and called Mr. Burns. I told him I needed a classic Burns pep talk. And you can listen to his wise words here: