Now or Never

Preparing for a COVID winter

How do you prepare for winter during a pandemic? Meet people who are thinking ahead and finding creative ways to make it through.

There's a challenging season ahead. Hear from Canadians finding creative ways to make it through.

Hurry hard! Ify tries her hand at curling on this week's episode. Listen to see how it went. (Spoiler alert: not well). (CBC / Trevor Dineen)

How do you prepare for winter during a pandemic? This week on Now or Never, we meet people who are thinking ahead to a potentially challenging winter season and finding creative ways to make it through.

  • For five long months, Gisella Iozzo prayed her father Bruno Iozzo would recover from COVID-19 and leave the hospital. Her prayers were answered but now a new set of worries have taken their place as she puts her life on hold, moves into his home and becomes his primary caregiver for the winter. 
  • When it comes to embracing the cold Elizabeth Shepherd likes to take a deep breath and plunge right in... to a frigid lake. Turns out if you can't beat the cold, you might as well just go swimming in it. 
  • Carly Stasko is worried about the winter. There's a global pandemic, she's out of work and her family just moved away from the city they call home and into a cabin in the woods. What will it take to get her through the snowy months that lie ahead? Voicemails. Lots and lots of voicemails. 
  • "Cuffing season" is upon us which means Raquel Russell is swiping left and right in hopes of getting paired up before being locked down for winter.
  • Plus, Lenard Monkman takes Ify and Trevor curling for the first time ever and let's just say they have a long way to go before making it to the Brier.