Racism in corporate Canada, snitching on CERB cheats — and the cash consequences of international students
What happens if international students cut class for the whole upcoming school year?

How are business leaders — like Capital One Canada's president Jennifer Jackson — discussing the Black Lives Matter movement with their employees?
Click here to listen as Jackson speaks with host Paul Haavardsrud to discuss, while sharing her own experience of racism within corporate America and corporate Canada.
- The Cost of Living has moved back to our old timeslot on CBC Radio One!
Catch us Fridays at 11:30 a.m. or Tuesdays at 11:30 p.m. in most time zones.
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The Canada Revenue Agency is giving Canadians the option to tattletale on their neighbours, so to speak, if they think someone is cheating the Canada Emergency Relief Benefit, also known as the CERB.
Listen as producer Richard Raycraft takes a closer look at snitch lines and dives into the psychology behind snitching.
Most Canadian universities are going online for the fall term, while at the same time our national borders will be staying closed well into the summer.
So what does this mean for international students?
Universities — and the communities surrounding them — rely on international students for the tuition they bring to Canada every year and the money they spend in this country.
Click here as producer Tracy Fuller asks the question: what happens if international students take a pass on Canada for the 2020/2021 school year?
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