Cross Country Checkup

What in Canada's 150 plus years inspires you about its future?

Is there a piece of Canada's history that captivates you, and gives you hope that this country is on the right path? As the nation marks 150 years since Confederation, we ask Canadians across the country to single out an event, a person, or an artifact that has inspired them and tell us the story. Checkup heads to Gatineau, Que., for its first live national broadcast from the brand new Canadian History Hall with host Duncan McCue.
The Canadian flag flies on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. (Blair Gable/Reuters)

Duncan McCue and the Checkup team aired this week's episode live from the Museum of History in Gatineau, Que., which will unveil its new Canadian History Hall on July 1st. 

They were in a room designed by Blackfoot/Métis architect Douglas Cardinal, which is itself a metaphor for the country: full of flowing lines it represents a confluence of rivers and big sky; it's a room conceived as a meeting place and a sacred Indigenous space.

As the country is set to mark 150 years since Confederation, what better place to talk about our shared history than a Hall full of hundreds of incredible Canadian artifacts? Visitors can see the actual cloak worn by General James Wolfe, the handcuffs that shackled Louis Riel, the jersey worn by Maurice "Rocket" Richard, among thousands more artifacts.

Of course the history of this land goes back further than 150 years. The first thing visitors of this museum see is the creation story from the Anishinaabe of Kitigan Zibi First Nation, upon whose traditional territory this Museum sits. It's the story of how Gchi-Manido, the Great Spirit, formed humans. How Nigig, the otter, swam deep in the water to find the dirt that formed Turtle Island.  Here we are now, over 36 million people sharing the land—sharing the legacy of Canada's past—both successes and shames. And that history, is alive and unfolding.

Our question today: What in Canada's 150 plus years inspires you about its future? 


David Morrison 
Director of Research for the Canadian History Hall at the Canadian History Museum

Charlotte Gray
Author of  nine best-selling books on history.  Her latest: The Promise of Canada: 150 Years  People and Ideas That Have Shaped Our Country 

Daniel Case
History teacher at Lisgar Collegiate in Ottawa

Anika Bousquet
A grade 11 student at Lisgar Collegiate in Ottawa

Martha Kyak 
Instructor, Nunavut Sivuniksavut Twitter: @eskimaata

Daniel Turp
Professor of constitutional and international law at the University of Montreal, and a former Bloc Québécois Member of Parliament and Parti Québécois member of the Quebec National Assembly. 

Warren Paull
Chief of the Shíshálh First Nation in BC

Philip Stamp 
Professor in the Dept. of Physics and Astronomy at the University of British Columbia

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