How are you managing the relaxation of restrictions?
Call us: 1-888-416-8333, or email:

Ontario entered Step 3 of its reopening plan today. The move sees restrictions loosened on outdoor and indoor gatherings, religious services and retail, among others.
It's the latest province to move into the next step of their reopening plan. British Columbia and Alberta moved into Step 3 earlier this month, while Quebec and Nova Scotia entered the next phase of their plans earlier this week.
As Canada gradually reopens its doors, more Canadians are returning to their pre-COVID routines — with or without proof of vaccinations.
Our question this week: How are you managing the relaxation of restrictions? What is your personal criteria for who you interact with and what you do?
Tell us what you think: Call us on Sunday at 1-888-416-8333, email us, or find us on Facebook and Twitter.