C'est la vie


Bernard and Johanne discuss montant(e), which means means rising. Montant also means a sum, an amount. En montant means climbing....
Host Bernard St-Laurent and Word Lady Johanne Blais discuss "montant(e)", which means rising. "Montant" also means a sum, an amount. "En montant" means climbing.

Bernard and Johanne discuss montant(e), which means means rising. Montant also means a sum, an amount. En montant means climbing.

Here are some usages:
En montant la côte pour venir au travail, j'étais essoufflée : Climbing the hill to get to work, I was out of breath

J'écris un chèque d'un montant de deux cents dollars : I am writing a cheque for the sum of two hundred dollars

On voit la marée montante du Saint-Laurent : We see the rising tide of the St-Lawrence River

Marie-Mai est une étoile montante : Marie-Mai is a rising star

Le montant total de mon voyage au Canada s'élevait à 5000 $ : The total cost of my trip to Canada was $5000

Montant total : Total cost

Quel est le montant total? : What is the total cost?

Le montant total était faux : The total amount was wrong

Les montants d'une échelle : The uprights of a ladder

Je tenais les montants de l'échelle : I held on to the uprights of the ladder

Les montants du lit : The bedposts

Montants (de but) : Goal posts

La marée montante : The rising tide

Une étoile montante : A rising star

La génération montante : The rising generation

Un col montant : A high-necked collar

Une robe montante : A high-necked dress

En montant les côtes, je pensais à ma petite récompense : While climbing the hills I thought about my little reward