As It Happens

Wednesday: BC tailings pond, Redford resigns, Rosetta satellite

When a tailings pond wall gives way in British Columbia, billions of litres of potentially toxic water are released into the ecosystem -- and residents fear a disaster in the making...First, Alison Redford resigned as Premier of Alberta -- and now, after further scandal, she's resigned from the legislature altogether..and the story of a European Space Agency satellite following a...
When a tailings pond wall gives way in British Columbia, billions of litres of potentially toxic water are released into the ecosystem -- and residents fear a disaster in the making...First, Alison Redford resigned as Premier of Alberta -- and now, after further scandal, she's resigned from the legislature altogether..and the story of a European Space Agency satellite following a comet -- and preparing to rendezvous with it after more than a decade -- is true, and it's remarkable. 

Part One

BC tailings pond
A tailings pond breach near Likely, British Columbia leaves hundreds of residents and businesses without water -- and has some fearing it may constitute a massive environmental disaster.

Transparent salaries
A New York tech firm decides on full transparency when it comes to salaries -- and its CEO explains the desired outcome from revealing everyone's income.

Rosetta satellite
The European Space Agency's Rosetta satellite has managed to hook up with Comet 67-P -- and now its journey really begins.

Part Two

Redford resigns
Alison Redford resigns her seat as a Calgary MLA four months after stepping down as premier, but the spending controversies continue to plague her and her party.

Bowhead whale
The mayor of Clyde River, Nunavut, tells us about the rare experience of hunting a bowhead whale -- and what he and his community plans to do with the result.