As It Happens

Friday: Edward Greenspan obit, From Our Archives: "heroes", "One of a Kind" As it Happened archive stories, and more...

Lawyer, contrarian, and humanitarian. We remember Edward Greenspan, who made an international career from defending those often considered indefensible...We replay interviews we've done with people who risked their lives -- or at least their dignity -- in the service of others...and from pet raccoons to headless chickens, we dig into the archives to showcase As It Happens conversations that were...

Lawyer, contrarian, and humanitarian. We remember Edward Greenspan, who made an international career from defending those often considered indefensible...We replay interviews we've done with people who risked their lives -- or at least their dignity -- in the service of others...and from pet raccoons to headless chickens, we dig into the archives to showcase As It Happens conversations that were truly one-of-a kind.

Part One

Edward Greenspan obit
We remember Canadian criminal lawyer Edward Greenspan, who defended everyone from Conrad Black to misbehaving Milwaukee Bucks -- but who was also an ardent humanitarian and opponent of the death penalty.

script/tape: "The Interview" plays
InseNow that Sony has decided to release it, Americans are flocking to see The Interview, no questions asked. And some are even singing -- if you can call it that -- about their experience at the movie.

Part Two

From Our Archives: heroes
We browsed through the "As It Happens" vaults for small reminders that selflessness exists: stories of heroes, dramatic rescues, and extreme altruism in the face of adversity.

Part Three

Repeat: "As it Happened" Archive Edition - "One of a Kind"
A look back at some As it Happens interviews that are, well, one of a kind. Like cheese made from human body bacteria. Or a man whose pet raccoons shower with him. And, of course, Mike the Headless Chicken.