As It Happens: Wednesday Edition
Part One
Adam Day obit
He told what soldiers call "the ground truth." The late writer Adam Day did everything he could to tell the stories of Canadians who fought, and too often died, in Afghanistan — and tonight, a fellow journalist remembers his friend.
Larsen C iceberg
It's weighing heavily on her mind. Partly because the ice shelf that just broke free in Antarctica is about a trillion metric tonnes — and partly because our guest isn't quite sure exactly what the long-awaited event foretells.
"Out for a rip" trademark
Out for a rip-off. So Buddy who did the song about Canadians partying called "Out for a Rip", right, he, like, finds out that Coca-Cola put that exact phrase on its cans in Canada? And he has the trademark on it? And Buddy tells us he is, like, not into that at all.
Part Two
El Salvador sentence
In El Salvador, a teenage victim of rape is sentenced to 30 years in prison because she suffered a stillbirth. An activist who was at the trial tells us about the family's plan to fight the ruling.
B.C. fires: return
After being forced to flee the fires, residents of Boston Flats, British Columbia take a bus ride through their community — and Liz Larson tells us about the damage done to her home town.
Gluten-free communion wafers
The Pope has publicly announced that gluten-free wafers won't cut it for communion — but tonight, a nun explains how her order crunched the numbers to create a product that will still soothe those with celiac disease.