As It Happens: Tuesday Edition
Part One
Dutch election
As The Netherlands prepares to go to the polls, the two main choices are a conservative party — and the party of a man who's been called the "Dutch Donald Trump" — among other things.
Amy Krouse Rosenthal obit
In a final published work, the late author and artist Amy Krouse Rosenthal wrote a public love letter to her husband that went viral — but that was just one of dozens of her inspired creative acts.
Chicken sweaters
They've been knitting together for a long time, but this year, some Massachusetts retirees are making sweaters for clients for whom dressing usually involves bread crumbs: a bunch of cold chickens.
Part Two
Ethiopia landfill deaths
They made their homes in a gigantic landfill in Ethiopia — then the whole thing came crashing down. Now, the death toll keeps climbing.
Made in America Store
A wake-up call interrupts the American dream. The owner of a store that sells only items made in the U.S.A. finds there are things he just can't put on his shelves.
Part Three
Woolly mammoth DNA
A furry elephant seems like a great idea. The woolly mammoth certainly thought so. But unfortunately for them and us, there were some internal problems a few thousand years ago — in the form of what new research is calling a "genetic meltdown".
Destroyed coral reef
An errant cruise ship smashes into a coral reef in Indonesia — and the effects aren't just devastating for the underwater ecosystem, but also for the humans who rely on it.