As It Happens - Tuesday Edition
Part One
Refugee reunion
A refugee family loses their son during the journey from Turkey and Greece, only to find him by pure chance at a Swedish horse track.
CBC logo book
More than a thousand design nerds promise to spend their money on a reissue of a 1974 CBC manual dictating the proper use of its exploding pizza logo.
Cell phone bar
We try to reach a British pub owner who's lined his bar with aluminum in an effort to block his customers' smart phone signals and force them to actually meet.
Part Two
Ivo Pitanguy obit
It was nip and tuck at first, but he would raise his whole profession by the time he was done. A plastic surgeon celebrates Brazil's pioneer of the butt lift, Ivo Pitanguy.
Whale rescue
A whale with an enormous tail turns a Newfoundland couple's cod fishing trip into a struggle to survive in the churning waters of the numbing North Atlantic.